Fee Schedule And Contract

Dr. Maris charges $400 an hour to read and investigate and $500 an hour for all testimony (in depositions and trials). All expenses (travel, plane and car fare, hotel, food, etc. are extra). For 8 or more hours (starting at midnight) a full per diem (either $4,000 or $5,000) is charged. Travel time1 is billed at $400 or $500, depending on whether investigation or testimony is involved.

The retainer fee is one per diem or $4,000 (check made out to Dr. Ronald W. Maris and sent to his home office address, please), to be sent and received along with the case file. If needed, request W-9 forms. A complete (non-edited) file is requested in 3-ring notebook(s), with titled dividers, and Table of Contents, all Bates-stamped for me, although in many cases discovery continues after retention. In most cases the retainer suffices to read everything and give an oral report (specify the type and format for the report).

If the initial review takes more than 10 hours (it depends on the file size and case complexity), then those additional hours are billed at $400 an hour. If the initial review takes less than 10 hours, then the unexpended retainer is applied to further work. Retainers are not refundable; if the initial review takes less than 10 hours or the client decides not to use Dr. Maris or have him do no further work.
Attorneys retaining Dr. Maris should stipulate in their cover letter for the file being sent that they have read and agree (contract for) the financial conditions specified in this fee schedule.

Occasionally (only with prior approval of the client) Dr. Maris will also recommend the client contract with one of Maris's associates.

Types of activities associates might undertake are:

  • Perform Psychological Autopsy interviews
  • Write deposition summaries
  • Highlight medical records
  • Investigate special aspects of cases
  • Assist Dr. Maris in trial travel
  • Make event chronologies
  • Give Dr. Maris special expertise (for example in forensic sciences)
  • Search the scientific literature

* The cost of an activity is the value of other activities forgone.