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"Death By Hanging." Introduction to the HBO/BBC feature film (10/19/98) and Dr. Maris interviewing the Sedgwick family concerning the suicide risk factors of the decedent, Atwan Sedgwick. See FBI investigation (August 2, 2000) of the case.

"The Black Widow." Dr. Maris is interviewed by Court TV at the University of South Carolina concerning his testimony in the murder case of Della Sutorious. She was convicted and sentenced to life in prison in May 1996 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Della married Cincinnati cardiac surgeon, Darryl Sutorious. She had been married four times before. Darryl filed for divorce, which if granted would have left Della with little money. She bought a .38 pistol just two weeks before he was found shot to death in the basement of his home. Even Della's mother and sister testified against her.

"Green Blood, Red Tears." A movie by J.T. Grey in which Dr. Maris is interviewed about farm suicides. The movie considers the suicide of Kentucky 42-year-old farmer James Goodwin in 1995. The producer claims that world-wide farmers have relatively high suicide rates. Small family farms now require less labor and more expensive equipment and technology and have to compete with mega farm corporations like Cargill and Con Agra. If their crops fail or under-produce, then farmers often go into debt and feel like personal failures, who see no way out but to suicide.

Other Videos: (a) Court TV, Plude v. Wisconsin, June, 2006; (b) Court TV, South Carolina v. Pittman, February, 2005; (c) "Suicide" Arte TV with Hannes Rossacher, German-French cultural channel, October, 2008; (d) C-Span, April 9, 1992, debate of Dr. Maris with Dr. Humphry on suicide in D.C. ; (e) "Suicide Assessment and Prevention in the U.S. Army," Maris spoke at six Army bases in West Germany on suicide, July 26 to August 2, 1986; (f) Debate with Thomas Szasz, M.D., on suicide prevention at Harvard, February 1, 1985; (g) Panel on rational suicide of MSW Jo Roman with Dick Cavett and Hugh Downs on PBS, New York City, June 16, 1980.